Scanning handmade darkroom prints is a popular technique photographers use to help their work stand out among over-edited digital photos.
Compared to scanned negatives, scanned RA-4 prints have a pastel colour palette and softer contrast.
All of our darkroom prints are colour balanced twice - once on the enlarger during the physical print, and once during scanning for digital colour accuracy.
Colour Darkroom Print 8" x 10"
Return shipping - print and negative
Fuji Crystal Archive Paper 8" x 10"
10,000 x 8,000 pixel digital tiff
seven day turn around
Colour Darkroom Print 11" x 14"
Return shipping - print and negative
Fuji Crystal Archive Paper 11" x 14"
10,000 x 8,000 pixel digital tiff
seven day turn around
Colour Darkroom Print 16" x 20"
Return shipping - print and negative
Fuji Crystal Archive Paper 16" x 20"
10,000 x 8,000 pixel digital tiff
seven day turn around
© 2024 Brunswick Darkroom